In Japan, halal food is getting more and more popular lately. Halal food is basically for Muslim and it doesn’t use any ingredients which are not allowed in Islamic low, such as pork and alcohol. It requires special certification to sell halal food or run a halal restaurant. As the number of tourist increase, more people and companies began to working hard for get halal certification. Now halal restaurants increasing rapidly and it allows Muslim to find their eating place easier. But does halal food have only good aspect? Some people are worrying that people tend to regard halal food as a business rather than a support Muslim and its culture.
Traditional Japanese cuisine is popular among the world because it is healthy and tasty. UNESCO, the U.N. cultural organization, added traditional Japanese cuisine, or "washoku," into its Intangible Cultural Heritage list on December, 2013. Many tourist visiting Japan are looking forward to having Japanese food. But unfortunately, it is difficult for Muslim to enjoy them because many Japanese dishes use Sake and Mirin (both are Japanese alcohol) in the process of cooking. To solve this problem, some companies and restaurants are trying to make Japanese dishes without using these ingredients so that Muslim people can enjoy traditional Japanese dishes while traveling. The number of tourist visiting Japan is growing every year and halal food is attracting more attention. Some restaurants also serves halal lunch box that is available for delivery. For companies witch is eager to get halal certifications for their products or dishes, there are also some workshops to understand well about the certification process and Islam culture.
They are international students enjoy eating at a halal restaurant in Tokyo. They said halal restaurants were so important in their life that could not live without them. There are more than 80 public universities in Japan but only half of them serves halal dishes on campus as of 2015. Some international students do not have any eating place around campus and have a hard time to get their food. The growing number of halal restaurants must be good for Muslim, but I guess we also have to think whether it is concern about Muslim and its culture.
Popular Chinese halal restaurant in Japan opened in 2014. |
Halal certificated Japanese cuisine |
Halal grocery shop in Tokyo |
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