Muslim Boy in Atlantic City
The following is a recreation of events that could be disturbing to some readers. The events that have taken place are related to the life of a Muslim college student, Nahid Huq.
By: Ronak Doshi
@Atlantic City, New Jersey
Nahid Huq was relaxing in his house one morning when things took a turn for the worst. His friend Alex was outside his house with a gunshot to the leg.
“Nahid, please come out of begging you” Alex cried.
Nahid ran as fast as he possibly could. He almost fell down the stairs but caught his guard.
“Alex oh man what happened my dude” he said in a loud voice as he called 911.
“Put the phone down don’t call the cops” Alex said in a hushed tone.
Nahid put the phone down as fast as he could. He was extremely confused but lifted Alex up in his kitchen and wrapped his wound.
Nahid's house in Atlantic City
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Atlantic City, New Jersey |

Nahid's house in Atlantic City
“Nahid some man in a mask down the street hit me while I was walking, stole my car and shot me in the leg so I couldn’t get up”
“Alex this is terrible, do you think it is because your sister wears a hijab?”
“ I don’t know Alex, I have had a lot of hate crimes directed towards me after the attacks of 9/11”
“It is so sad that people don’t understand the Quran teaches good values. We are a peaceful race not a violent one. It is the actions of a few radicalized and confused individuals that we are called terrorist”
Nahid has a had a complicated history. He grew up in Lahore, Pakistan. His mom was very traditional and would cook him middle eastern food such as falafel. She does not cook anything with meat, pork, or alcohol. Nahid has had a complicated past. He was told from a very young age to not have sex and smoke and drink. However, once his family moved to America when he was 16 he noticed a lot of these things go on in American culture.
“I am very upset at this but we need to call a doctor”
“Nahid I can’t bro my dad is already on a watch list for the FBI".
Alex, who was a muslim kid with a muslim dad and an Italian mom has also had a complicated history. He grew up in the United States but his sisters were not very religious. He on the other hand followed in his dad's footsteps and became religious. His dad after 9/11 was on a watch list because of his muslim descent and he escaped prison 5 years ago, he has been in hiding ever since. Even though he was innocent he did not want to spend his life in prison and he wanted to do good for his children.
“Alex, I just wanted to let you know I am here for you buddy and I will help you in every way I can I swear to you. No one will bother you again”
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Nahid's Sister who were not home at the time |
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Shot of Lahore, Pakistan |
If only what Nahid was saying was the truth. People have been bothering them their whole life because they are muslim. People don’t understand that muslim people are just like the rest of us. It is just because a small group of people have been radicalized that causes ignorant people to make racist comments. Alex and Nahid are simply kids who have to go through so much agony and pain simply because of their race. Imagine how affected they are? They just want to study and get a good education. Why should they struggle so much because of their race? They shouldn’t. Nahid has been going to the mosque to pray since he was a boy. Nahid has been going to a mosque since he was a boy, and still does, regardless of everything that has happened to him in the past.
Lahore, Pakistan, where Nahid grew up
Growing up in Lahore Nahid felt pretty safe because he was with family. However there have been several terrorists attacks there and in places like Karachi. Alex getting shot reminded so much of Nahid’s past. He came to America hopeful for a better life but it hasn’t been that much easier. He hoped that one day most Americans could accept the fact the muslims are a large part of society and they should be treated equally.
Nahid proceeded to give Alex a hug as they both cried in each other's arms. Nahid wrapped up Alex’s wound. They called their third friend Tom who is not a muslim but is a good friend of theirs. He brought a bag of medical supplies and helped Alex out.
“Listen guys, I just wanted to say I support you in any way I can, one day this country will change” said Tom. People like Tom are what this country need. Individuals who are affected by all the violence and hate but choose to step in because they know it’s wrong and something must be done. No matter what race or religion an individual is they should be treated with the respect they deserve. Alex and Nahid are both part of the Muslim religion, but they are first human beings deserving of an equal chance.
Nahid, Tom, and Alex from their highschool days
Nahid’s mom entered the room pouring in tears. Nahid’s mom had worked hard to get Nahid to this country, and to see things like this happen to Alex was very hard for her.
“Alex I will get your mother on the phone right now. We will all have dinner together. I am calling all your siblings.”
“No you don’t have to do that it’s okay”
“I insist. I will call everyone over and we will have a nice meal. Don’t worry”
This is what being muslim is about. Giving to others in a time of need. Nahid’s mom showed how compassionate and caring people of her religion can be.
“Tom I am calling your family as well. Everything will be okay guys. Understand?”
Not only is she friendly but she is strong willed. Everything she worked for was not easy so she thinks it's right to give back to others. All the families came together to eat a nice meal made by Nahid’s mom. Everyone loved the food and they all talked and ate together peacefully, showing that no matter what race or religion you are, nothing should stop you from being a kind, genuine human being.

A picture after the family dinner
The Author
Ronak Doshi
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